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Growing Together in the community: CSR Day 2016

We believe we have the global scale and expertise to make a real difference in our communities, and we are in a position to effect positive change in the communities we work and live in.

We demonstrated this during our global CSR event. In 2016, during 22-23 September we shared our stories, volunteered our time and expertise and made commitments for the coming year.

Our people supported the communities through a wide range of educational, environmental, healthcare and charity based initiatives. These included blood donations, coastal clean ups, fundraising for homeless people and supporting children’s orphanages. 


In September 2016 we had our global CSR event ‘Growing Together in the community’, where our people helped to unlock the potential of their local communities across the world.

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Watch the video to find out more.

Globally we celebrated our achievements in more than 95 countries and 6,300 social media posts.